As analog circuits give way to digital circuits and electronic equipment shifts from wired connections to wireless connec
As the connector with the fastest current transmission capability, the board-to-board connector is also superior in terms
The pogo pin is composed of three basic parts: movable needle, spring and bobbin: movable needle, spring and coil frame,
Pogopin connector is a kind of spring probe, which is formed by riveting and pre-pressing the three basic parts of needle
The pogo pin connector has greater compression and a more stable contact than a spring connector of the same size. When s
Let's first understand what a "mini pogo pin" is. Just like the name, a "mini pogo pin" is also a
A pogo pin connector is a commonly used electronic connector. Today, we will discuss the influence of the environment on
Article pictures Nowadays, electrical and electronic products are developing in the direction of being delicate, easy to